Who is Handan Öztürk?

As a Motivational Strategist for desired outcome, she has 21+ years experiences with the approaches of; Motivational Coaching, C level Executive Coaching, Coaching for Self- Actualization, Strategic Corporate Empowerment Consultancy, Corporate Business Optimization Advising, Motivational Mentorship, Training, Facilitation, Authentic Leadership, Compassionate Communication, Motivational Public Speaking, Moderation, Social Content Providing, Storytelling, Writing, Singing. As of January 2024, she worked one on one with 800+ precious leaders worldwide and completed 7000+ sessions. She trained and consulted with an impressive number of 210,000+ professionals and collaborated with 350+ organizations worldwide. These include world-renowned companies like Accenture, Google, Bosch, BP, Chevron, Chanel, Dell, Deloitte, Hilton, Kraken, Mars, Unilever, Philip Morris, HP, IBM, Visa, American Express, Bayer, Hilton, Roche, Pfizer, Cisco, Stanford University, Melbourne University, Warner Bros Discovery and more data firms, leading universities, and businesses in aerospace, petroleum, tech, pharma ,FMCG, fintech, and financial services sectors, along with media outlets, consumer goods firms, and other consulting agencies.

Her customers’ worked with her on; cultivating desire, freedom, courage, clarity, emotional agility, strategic agility, curiosity, enthusiasm, discovering self, authenticity, self- actualization, self- value, self -compassion, self-confidence, self-respect, self-recognition, self-acceptance, self-awareness, balance, visibility, courage, focus, agility, resilience, efficiency, productivity, transparency, accountability, diversity, inclusion, recognition, career development, career transition, navigate change, effective interviews with C suite, peace, compassion, happiness, love, motivation, empowering others, holistic wellbeing, mindfulness, crafting a desired outcome, discovering highest version of self, executive presence, brand building, conflict transformation, dealing with procrastination, delegation, prioritization, compassionate communication, authentic leadership, alignment, purpose and meaning, succession planning, social connection, SMART dialogues, feedback giving, feedback taking, upward feedback, dealing with C-suite, strategic thinking, holistic thinking, visualization, dealing with stress, anxiety, and burnout, macro perspective, dealing with grief, releasing unwanted emotions, setting strong boundaries, corporate improvement , creating a value based corporate culture, business development, strategic thinking, employee engagement, expatriate relocation, cultural change, merge and acquisition, creativity, innovation, inner motivation, inner peace, speech communication, public speaking, value based image management, managing high talented executives, dealing with various generations, excellence, growth, competency building, capacity building, satisfaction, awareness, intimate relationship, relationship building, cultural communication, motivating others, women studies, peace studies, stress management, time management, dealing with working remote, empathy, being genuine and impeccable, honest expression, empathic listening, team management, managing the manager, influence, assertiveness, relationship management, time management, resource management, dealing with challenging people and situations, team meetings, team coaching, learning and advancing on applying coaching/mentoring/training/facilitation/public speaking tools and more.

With accredited experience, she specialized in strategic empowering individuals and corporates worldwide to unlock their true potential, enhance well-being, and find lasting happiness. She had studied Business ADM (Canada), Peace and Conflict Studies (Turkey), and Organizational Communication Studies (USA). She had worked 12 years in Europe, North America, and Middle East, taken senior management roles in global companies such as BP Amoco before starting to provide her strategic solutions. She has also taken senior roles in EU and UN funded projects in the areas of sustainability, corporate improvement, SME empowerment, capacity building, training need analyses, workload analyses, competency building, employment, social inclusion, people development and more.

Growing up as a diplomat's daughter has granted her the privilege of experiencing diverse cultures and working styles, having lived, studied and worked worldwide. This multicultural background enables her to bring a global perspective, emphatic listening, and a rich blend of practical knowledge to her practice. Drawing from diverse expertise she provides a comprehensive approach to creating remarkable transformations. By nurturing self-compassion, guiding customers to tap into their desired authentic version of themselves, their highest form of intelligence and designing tailored strategies for them to experience a desired life. She is happy to contribute to her customers’ happiness and fulfilment.

Embark on a transformative journey and experience life-changing growth. Get in touch now for a brighter day filled with happiness, no matter where you are. She made her calendar available for all time zones.

My proudest accomplishment My proudest accomplisment is my gratefulness. I am most grateful for sharing my every moment filled with love, joy, faith, peace, and satisfaction with my loved ones. I’m most grateful for my name which means joy, sincere laughter, one who smiles and makes others smile. I am grateful that I made the meaning of my name alive. I am grateful for my authentic self and for all opportunities supporting me to self-actualize myself. I am grateful to be able to connect to what's alive in me and get the answers I seek to actualize myself. I am grateful for cherishing my pure soul. I am grateful that I gathered everything I love in life and named it my job. I am grateful that I enjoy every second of it. I am grateful to be in the center of the world. From Ankara, TURKEY, I am grateful to connect with precious people worldwide and utilize my unique tools to satisfy my needs such as contribution. I am grateful for my inner motivation and curiosity for self-actualization. I am grateful for my inspiration that allows me continuously produce empowering tools, books, songs, poems, speeches, social content…. I am grateful to actualize my life purpose. Accredited from: International Coaching Federation as a PCC coach, International Trade Center/UN as a Senior Advisor for Corporate Empowerment, National Guild of Hypnosis as a Hypnotherapist