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May 10, 2021
One-on-one, workshops, customized group coaching whichever way you choose. Authentic, motivational empowering online programs for desired outcome Embark on a transformative journey and experience life-changing growth. Get in touch now for a brighter day filled with happiness, no matter where you are. I made my calendar available for all time zones. Review the references and  [...]

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May 19, 2016
Handan Öztürk
Unmute/Mute Handan Öztürk’s songs represent her authentic peaceful approaches, positive mindset, and unity-based worldview. Seize the day with take aways from the past and hope for the future. If it came to your vision, it is yours. ABOUT HANDAN ÖZTÜRKMotivational Strategist As a Motivational Strategist for desired outcome, she has 21+ years experiences with the [...]

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